Friday, March 21, 2008

Welcome to the Nuda Veritas Blog!

I'm John Lennox. My wife, Kimberly and I are the artists of Nuda Veritas. I hope you enjoy our work, and comment on this blog to let us know. We began doing bodypainting a few years ago, and have fallen in love with this media. It is simply amazing what can be done using the body as the canvas. The photography of this type of painting is accentuated by the models themselves, something that just is not possible photographing regular paintings or sculpture. The painting itself tells a story, and the model's body tells another one, sometimes different, yet inextricable from that of the painting. It is truly a refreshing form of photographic art.

1 comment:

John said...

Hello everyone,
Haven't posted in a while. Kim and I have been very busy, but are still painting! We have many more pictures to add to the site, and hope to get them up soon. Our latest endeavor will be a coffee table book which we will be self-publishing. We will have it out for sale before Christmas.